Welcome to St Michael’s

St Michael’s is the smallest of the three churches in our team. However, there is a lot to discover inside! We meet on Sundays, at 10.30am at Sharmans Cross Junior School where we set up our worship space together.
Many of the people who belong to St Michael’s think of it as part of their family and – like a family – we are made up of a great variety of ages and experiences. We work together to run St Michael’s, and many members of the church have a role in a range of areas from serving coffee to playing and singing in the band.
St Michael’s provides spaces for learning and fellowship for all ages. St Michael’s is part of the Children, Families and Youth ministry across the parish so there are plenty of opportunities for younger members to make friends and to grow in faith. St Michael’s also has a variety of opportunities for older members to learn and to share their faith where all questions are welcome!
The worship at St Michael’s is centred around the celebration of the Eucharist both on Sundays and during the week. Music, discussion, silence and reflective prayer are also important parts of our way of life. The people of St Michael’s have a genuine love and care for each other which shows itself in many practical ways, especially in times of need. At St Michael’s we recognise that everyone is different and special, and that God’s love is for all.
We look forward to welcoming you,
The Revd Simon Marshall, Team Vicar
Sundays at St Michael’s
Our main activity is to worship God together. On Sundays we celebrate the Eucharist at 10.30am at Sharmans Cross School, Sharmans Cross Road, B91 1PH.
We enjoy singing all kinds of hymns and songs, ranging from traditional hymns to modern contemporary songs. Our music is accompanied by a range of instruments and on the first Sunday of the month the music is led by our talented band.
Through the week
On Wednesdays at 9.30 am we meet for a short Morning Prayer Service; followed by at 10am by a short Eucharist Service with refreshments afterwards.
Both of these are at St Michael’s Chapel, Oak Cottage, Bryanston Rd, Solihull B91 1BS – see map below.
St Michael’s engages with the community through involvement with Marie Curie, Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness, Acorns, the Solihull Town Centre Chaplaincy and Macmillan Cancer Care.
Baptisms & Weddings
St Michael’s Chapel is a beautiful venue for Christenings and Weddings. To find out more about these services and other events we can offer, please contact the Team Vicar.

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