For Safeguarding information click here


Contact Us

The first point of contact for our clergy team is via the Parish Office – follow this link: Solihull Parish Office however should you need urgent out of hours clergy support the details are:

Nick Parker 07890 720240 or

Simon Marshall 0121 704 4730 or

Sue Chandler 07970 791288.

All bookings and other enquiries should be made first via the Parish Office please.


What’s Happening

This week in the Parish:

Wednesday lunchtime recitals: Wed 10 July in church with David Price (organ)

Recitals start at 1.10pm with tea/coffee and cake available from 12.30pm. Entry is free with a retiring collection held in aid of The Friends of St Alphege Music. All welcome. A full listing of upcoming performers can be found here.

Weekdays – Morning Prayer. Beginning each day with God:

Monday, Thursday, Friday – 9.00am at St Alphege Church.
We will enter by the choir vestry door and ordinarily will meet in the Chantry Chapel.  If you would like to come but would find the stairs difficult, please contact the Parish Office so that we can arrange for the service to be held in the choir stalls. All are very welcome.   

Tuesday – 9.00am at St Helen’s Church, 6 St Helen’s Road, Solihull, B91 2DA

Wednesday – 9.30am at St Michael’s, Oak Cottage, Bryanston Road, Solihull, B91 1BS


St. Alphege:

Sunday 21st July – Eighth Sunday after Trinity

8.00am – Said Eucharist – President: Revd Simon Marshall & Preacher: Suzette Maguire

9.15am – The Junction in OBH

10.30am – Sung Eucharist – President: Revd Sue Chandler & Preacher: Suzette Maguire

3.30pm – Evensong – Officiant & Preacher: Revd Nick Parker

St Helen’s – 10.00am – Holy Communion

St Michael’s – 10.30am – Eucharist at Sharman’s Cross School

From Sunday 4th August to Sunday 25th August incl. St Michael’s will Worship with St Helen’s at St Helen’s Church, 6 St Helens Road, Solihull B91 2DA.


Job/volunteer vacancies:

Parish Treasurer

Parish Safeguarding Coordinator

District Safeguarding Coordinator

Parish Administrator – closing date 16th August 2024

SMBC Support – every first Tuesday of the month, Kerrie and Natalia from the Community Development Team will be sitting in the foyer of the OBH from 12noon till 3.00pm. For more information please click on the link here: SMBC Support

Useful Documents to download

Join Us Online – Sunday 14th July

Link to join 9.15am All Age Worship from St Alphege

Photos from around the Parish