Sunday 1st December
St. Alphege                      5.00 p.m.    Advent Carol Service

Sunday 8th December
St. Alphege                      9.15 a.m.     All Age Christingle Holy Communion
St. Helen                         4.00 p.m.      Community Carol Service
(outdoor service, weather permitting, with refreshments)

Wednesday 11th December
Greville Arms                  6.20 p.m. for a 6.30 p.m. start – Beer & Carols at Greville Arms .  Please let Suzette know to expect you on 0121 709 0884 or 

Saturday 14th December
St. Alphege                      7.00 p.m.    Cancer Research UK Christmas Concert
‘Carols for Life’
Ticketed event: Please contact John Emmett on
Tel: 07812 566495 or via

Sunday 15th December
Oliver Bird Hall               9.15 a.m.     Junction Nativity
St. Helen                          10.00 a.m.   Carol Service

Wednesday 18th December
St. Alphege                       6.00 p.m.    Rising Stars Carol Festival

Friday 20th December
St. Helen                          4.00 p.m.    Christmas Messy Church

Sunday 22nd December
St. Michael’s                       4.30 p.m.         Carol Service at Sharman’s Cross School
St. Alphege                        5.00 p.m.         Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Christmas Eve
St. Alphege                                3.00 p.m.    Crib Service 1
St. Alphege                                4.15 p.m.    Crib Service 2
St. Alphege                                11.30 p.m.   Midnight Mass
As Christmas Eve gives way to Christmas Day, we share the good news of the birth of Christ.
St. Michael’s Chapel                 11.30 p.m.           Midnight Mass
A peaceful service to lead us into the joy of Christmas Day, in a chapel which was once a stable!

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day
St. Alphege                                 8.00 a.m.            Eucharist
St. Alphege                                 10.30 a.m.          Sung Eucharist
St. Helen & St. Michael              10.00 a.m.            Eucharist at St. Helen’s

Wednesday 1st January – New Year’s Day
St. Michael                                 10.00 a.m.           Eucharist