We are blessed with a rich and varied liturgical life and hold many special services throughout the year (in addition to our normal Sunday and weekday services).
Advent Carol Service at the beginning of Advent (late November /early December);
At Christmas – Christmas Carol services, Christingle, Crib services, Midnight Mass, worship on Christmas Day; Epiphany services.
Ash Wednesday Eucharist during which people are invited to have an ash cross marked on their forehead;

Stations of the Cross during Lent; Palm Sunday procession; often starting in the town centre.

Holy Week – Maundy Thursday eucharist of the Last Supper which includes foot washing and the Watch;
Good Friday – All Age service; Ecumenical Walk of Witness; Service at the foot of the Cross;
The Easter Vigil and the First Eucharist of Easter on Holy Saturday.
Services on Easter Sunday including Said, All Age and Choral Eucharists; festal Choral Evensong with Blessing of the Light.
Patronal Festivals including St Alphege on 19th April.

Admission of First Communicants and Confirmation around Pentecost.
Choir Sunday; Harvest services; All Souls’ Day including our New Door Service for the families of those who have died this year.
We hold a Civic Service in June during which the Mayor and all the Councillors of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council are commissioned and prayed for.

On Remembrance Sunday, we hold a Service of Remembrance at the War Memorial outside St Alphege Church, followed by a service inside the church.
All members of the public are welcome at these services.