The Inbetweeners
We are a group aimed at anyone who for whatever reason maybe age, gender or work life, doesn’t fit in to some of the existing groups. Many of us work during the day, and so can’t get to certain services and events! So we started this group up as a place to meet, socialise and pray together.
If you would like to find out when our next event is, or know anyone who might like to join us contact Lynne Groutage (Group Convenor) or give your details to the Parish Office. It will be lovely to see anyone who would like to join us and see how this group evolves.
Prayer Group on Tuesdays
The St. Alphege Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 10am at the back of church. The meeting lasts approximately 45 minutes and is followed by a time of fellowship and coffee in the Oliver Bird Hall. We normally have about 12-14 attendees.
After a short varied introduction we pray for current issues, worldwide, local and personal. We are always grateful to experience the wonderful ways in which God answers our prayers.
All newcomers are made most welcome. If you’d like to get in touch email Anne Rock or phone on 0121 704 2355.
House Groups
There are house groups across all three of our churches. They meet for prayer, fellowship and study. If you would like to join one, ask the priest/minister in the church you attend and they will be able to link you up with one, or get in touch with the Parish Office.
St Alphege Wives’ Fellowship
programme choices are suited to a small membership (a core of around
20), and attracting visitors, as it is locally-based and easily
Monthly Fellowship Walks are meant to be sociable and
healthy without being over-strenuous. We meet at 10.30am and finish well
in time for lunch (optional) at a nearby public house or eatery where
non-walkers can join us. (No charge for walking).
Visits to nearby
places and events of interest, meeting at 10.30am at the venue, e.g.
gardens and nurseries, craft fairs, cookery demos,exhibitions, tours of
heritage buildings including churches etc.
Friday evening meetings at
West Midlands Bridge Club, Warwick Road, Solihull with speakers at
6.30pm or 7.00pm. (Levy of £4 for non-members and £3 for members to
include tea/coffee with cake or pastry). Occasionally we meet at the
Oliver Bird Hall for an activity evening.
Special events at the
Bridge Club include our Advent/Christmas lunch (Friday in early
December), seasonal afternoon teas and the AGM and supper (Friday in
early July).
Full membership Annual Subs are £8 (covers room hire, speakers’ fees, postage/stationery, affordable charity donations).
For more information phone Carol Caldicott, our Programme Secretary, on 0121 705 3168.