How can I arrange a church funeral for my family member or friend?
Funerals can take place either in the church buildings (for example, in St Alphege) or at a cemetery/crematorium chapel. Having a funeral in church often means that you and your family get more time and space to pray, reflect, mourn and celebrate the lives of the departed.
It is never easy when a loved one dies. A minister from one of our churches will be available to accompany you through this time.

If you would like a funeral in church or with one of our ministers, please ask your Funeral Directors to contact the Parish Office. They will refer you to a priest or minister who will be available to take the service, and he or she will then guide you through the process.
Can I have a memorial in your churchyard?
The first port of call for memorial enquiries or questions about the churchyard is the Parish Office, who will be able to advise you.
How can I remember those who have died?
Once a year, on the feast of All Souls, St Alphege church offers services for those who have died and their loved ones. This includes a Choral Eucharist of Requiem (Memory) for All Souls Day in November, and the New Door service on the following Sunday at 6.30pm. All those who have been accompanied by a priest or minister at St Alphege for their loved one’s funeral that year will be invited.
St Helen’s church also offers a remembrance service around All Souls, and the ministers at St Michael and St Helen will be in touch with you after the funeral.

New Door
The volunteers in the New Door ministry are trained listeners and are available for anyone recently bereaved or with a current problem other than bereavement.
Bereaved families are contacted by phone approximately two months after the funeral has taken place. The phone call provides an opportunity to listen to how the relative is currently feeling, also to suggest possible options of a one to one session or joining a group gathering.
Further follow up is offered by a Christmas card and an anniversary card. An invitation is sent to attend a special Remembrance Service in November.
Anyone interested in this very rewarding ministry may email Anne Rock or phone on 0121 704 2355.