Like most churches, the work of Solihull Parish is funded by the generous giving of our members and the wider public.
Did you know, we support poorer churches and, except for Gift Aid, receive no public funding?
As well as funding the day-to-day running of our churches, and all the outreach and community work they do, the money we give helps to fund ministry more widely.
Solihull Parish is part of Church of England Birmingham, which ranks as the diocese with the highest deprivation rate in the country.
We pay much more than the average to the common fund, to allow much poorer churches to have a priest which they would otherwise be unable to afford.
If you would like to make a one-off donation you can here. Thank-you so much.
I want to give regularly. Where do I sign up?
Although donations on the plate are always gratefully received, our preference is for regular monthly giving through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). This helps us to plan our church finances for the year, and collect Gift Aid. If you would like to join PGS, talk to a priest/worship leader in church, or contact Frank Upton.
Why do we give?
Everything we have comes from God. We give because we have first received from God. Giving of our money is one way in which we further God’s Kingdom on earth through the work of the church.
Christian Giving should be:
A Priority – Christian giving should be a priority when we plan our finances.
Planned – We need to make a conscious decision to give.
Proportionate to our Income – the Church of England recommends we give 10% of our income, including 5% to our parish church and 5% to other causes.
Sacrificial and generous – because God is generous to us.
Characterised by joy – God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7)
Why do we need to increase our giving?
Apart from Gift Aid, Church of England parishes receive no public funding. We rely on your donations to carry out all the work we do in Solihull. The parish is currently running a deficit. We are diligent with our spending, but we do not want to cut back any further on the ministry we offer here.
Our vision is to see the church grow, and share God’s love with all in our town.
Where does all our money go?