On Sunday mornings there is a choice of: –
The Junction
The Junction meets in the Oliver Bird Hall – A lively, laid back and informal service for young families offering tailored activities for children of all ages. On the fourth Sunday of the month, the Junction meets online on Zoom. Please email Linda Hicks for the link.
St Alphege All Age Worship
On the second Sunday of the month, the Junction and the church building congregation meet together for an All Age Eucharist. A worship band leads contemporary songs. Young people often act as servers, and the teaching is especially suitable for children and families.
St Helen
Every Sunday in term time at 10.00 am there is worship in a modern space with a community feel with tailored activities for children.
St Michael
Every Sunday in term time at 10.30am there is worship in the school hall where a warm and welcoming space is created for all ages to worship. There is a crèche for little ones and activities for children of all ages. On the second Sunday of the month everyone worships together with activities for all ages.
Jigsaw (on hold) 4pm at St Helen’s on the third Sunday of the month – A time to get together with others to explore a Bible story in lots of different ways, to sing and pray to God and to have tea together. It’s for everyone and we hope it will be for you!
For more information contact Linda Hicks, Director of Children’s and Families Ministry