Alpha Course begins on Wednesday April 10th – see below
What does it mean to believe in God? Who was Jesus? What is a Christian? I would like to refresh my faith.
This year we are holding the Alpha course which meets weekly on Wednesday evenings and explores key aspects of the Christian Faith.
They are relaxed and informal sessions, you can ask anything – no question is too simple or too challenging. The sessions start with an Alpha Video which are followed with smaller discussion groups.
Each week provides an opportunity to listen, learn, discuss and discover.
You don’t need to be a Christian to join or to have worked out what you believe beforehand.
For more information and/or to book onto the course you can email: alpha@solihullparish.org.uk
Who is Alpha for?
• Anyone wanting to explore Christianity or find out more about Jesus.
• Newcomers to the area.
• Any adults wishing to be Baptised or Confirmed following completion of the course.
• Those who want a refresher on the basics of Christianity.
What do past participants of the courses say?
“It was a very enjoyable experience to deeper understand and pursue, almost crave more knowledge of my faith, with people who I may have not known as well as I would have hoped by the start of the course, but I feel I now know the people who decided to go on this journey with me better. This was a great opportunity to learn more and meet new people through my faith. I hope others can follow the same path and have an experience as good as ours has been.” Participant, 2018
“Those around me will know that I don’t really stop talking about Jesus! Since then, doing Just Explore, and faith becoming central to my life, I have received from God the inner healing that I was looking for during my darkest times. He has pulled down the walls around me and brought me back to the person I was before I turned away. And as for Christianity curtailing my freedom, in truth I feel much more free now that I have a faith again and my life now has the meaning and purpose that I had been searching for for so long.
God always has a plan for us, and never stops loving us. He will keep on calling us back to Him until we are ready.” Participant, 2018
“When I was ten I was struck by lightning and almost lost my life to the sheer amount of voltage that was conducted through my body. My breathing stopped, my heart stopped beating and I had to be resuscitated and bought back to life. The Church and religion wasn’t part of my life growing up, we never went to church and I didn’t really know much about Christianity, apart from what I loosely learnt at school. However, during this period of my life when trauma struck my family with my accident, my mother would always tell me afterwards that a guardian angel was looking down on me and saved me, my purpose in life was bigger than 40,000 volts of electricity and my time was not up. Having not been to church often I was drawn to Sunday mornings at St Alphege, the time to digest the week just gone by, the hymns, the sermons, the readings from scripture, it is also a time to be quiet in such a busy world. I found myself on a journey of discovery, thinking back to my accident and what it meant. I strongly believe I was touched by a miracle from God, I shouldn’t have survived and there is a bigger purpose for me in this world. I am meant to walk in front of the Lord in the land of the living, I was saved from death. I’ve always had some faith, but I feel that this church and the people I’ve met through it have forged a path for me to go down that is helping me to understand why I’m still here and strengthen my faith, repointing it towards Jesus and his teachings.” Participant, 2019