The Parish Electoral Roll is a list of regular church members. Anyone who has been baptised and who either lives or who regularly worships within the parish is entitled to be enrolled.
Every 6 years parishes are required to create a new roll from scratch and each person who wishes to be on the new roll must fill in a form whether they were on the old roll or not. 2025 is such a year.
Being on the roll is important because it enable you to play a full part in the life of the church. Among other things it enables you to vote at the Annual Parochial and District Church Meetings and to stand for a number of church offices.
Those on the existing roll will be receiving a letter and application form by post or email inviting them to renew their enrolment. Please make sure you do this and return the completed form by the specified deadline to the address indicated.
Also please consider joining the roll if you are not on the present one. This includes existing members of the congregation and newcomers. We are delighted you are with us and as valued members wish you to feel fully part of the body.
If you haven’t received one, application forms for enrolment can be obtained by clicking on the link below or printed copies are available in church, from the Parish Office or from the appropriate Electoral Roll Officer.
Any queries should be addressed to Stephen Linstead, Parish Electoral Roll Officer: E. T. 0121 705 1376, M 07746 796 989.