What we Believe

What does it mean to be a Christian?
At the heart of our Christian faith is our belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus reveals to us that God is our Father, and that God is available to us through the Holy Spirit.
You won’t ever be asked if you completely understand all this. But you are asked whether you believe and trust. This is called faith. It is a different sort of knowledge. It is the knowledge of being known and loved, and of loving in return.
The Christian faith is not a human invention. There are signs of God’s existence and handiwork in creation for anyone to read (Acts 14.15–17). But we believe in the way we do because God has come to seek us out and has made himself known to us.
God has revealed himself through the Bible. God has revealed himself most clearly through the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ. God makes himself known personally to each believer through the work of the Holy Spirit.
‘The most important decision any person can ever make is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. It’s the best thing anyone can do.’
Archbishop Justin Welby
Find out more on being a disciple here or about Christian theology here.

What kind of worship and life will I find in your churches?
Our Vision
The vision for our parish is summed up in our strapline:
Growing Disciples, Building Community and Transforming Lives.
We are passionate about growing in our faith and introducing others to Jesus. We long to become Christian communities who are looking outwards and who make a difference to those we meet.
As a parish, we value the Scriptures as God’s living word to us and the Sacraments as God’s transformation of the world. We are a group of churches committed to serving our local community in Solihull.
We aim to be inclusive and welcoming to all people.
Our churches each centre their worship around the Eucharist (often also known as Holy Communion or Mass), while reflecting a variety of traditions and worship styles from modern Catholic to open Evangelical.
Being Anglican

Which church does Solihull Parish belong to?
Solihull Parish belongs to the Church of England. The Church of England is part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. It is also part of a family of churches across the globe known as the Anglican Communion.
You can find out more about what it means to be an Anglican here.